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Alpaca supports a number of mapping technologies and approaches for you to present your interactive content produced on the Alpaca platform. Work with native formats to present your content exactly the way you want to.

Alpaca provides an environment for developers to work with various mapping environments to display their content. The alpaca.tech supports a number of mapping tools, including Mapbox, Leaflet, Google Maps, ArcGIS and more. You can also use SVG files and D3 visualisations.

Endpoint URLs

Those familiar with working with maps will be interested in knowing some various datasets for obtaining information.

Information IconUpdate the URL and substitute itinerary/XXX with the ID of your itinerary. All requests must be authenticated using ?accessToken=ACCESS_TOKEN substituting your access token as appropriate.
Type + DescriptionURL
A JSON file format containing URL's and cameras to be used to assist identify initial viewport
FeatureCollection JSON that contains all the individual elements of an itinerary to style
Vector Tiles
Optimised vectors loaded on demand for performance


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