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Alpaca Travel Itineraries can be added to leaflet maps through using a GeoJSON Layer.
1// ... Create a leaflet "map" before here
3// Update YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN and the itinerary/XXX with your details
4const url =
5 "https://mapping.withalpaca.travel/v1/itinerary/XXX.geojson?accessToken=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
7// Fetch the Itinerary GeoJSON from the mapping service
9 .then(res => res.json())
10 .then(data => {
11 // Add the data you have loaded into a leaflet GeoJSON layer
12 // Refer to the reference documentation for working with styling itineraries
13 L.geoJSON(data, {
14 // You can filter out what features you want to include
15 filter: function(feature, layer) {
16 // For instance, we can just include markers
17 return feature.properties.class === 'location_marker';
18 }
20 // You can create circle markers using pointToLayer
21 pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
22 return L.circleMarker(latlng, {
23 radius: 8,
24 fillColor: "#ff7800",
25 color: "#000",
26 weight: 1,
27 opacity: 1,
28 fillOpacity: 0.8
29 });
30 },
32 // Or style the features
33 style: function (feature) {
34 // Style your feature here..
35 // You can refer to the reference documentation on the structure
36 // of features, and what information is available.
37 }
38 }).bindPopup(function (layer) {
39 // Bind information that is available in the geojson feature
40 return layer.feature.properties.label;
41 }).addTo(map);
42 });
Working with GeoJSON and Vector Tiles An overview to getting started with GeoJSON and Vector Tiles when working with itineraries.
Alternatively, you can used vector tiles which optimise data loading through requesting detail via a tile coordinates and zoom level.
The Vector Tiles are located at the following URL:
Replace "itinerary/abc" in the URL with your own itinerary ID, and replace "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" with your access token.
See Leadlet.VectorGrid.
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