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Google Maps

Google Maps provide the Maps Platform for developers to create features from the Google Maps platform

Alpaca provides ways to be able to leverage the data from Alpaca within your Google Map.

Integration Options

Alpaca provides two main methods for developers to consider integrating their data on to the Google Maps platform.

The GeoJSON data format provides a way to easily add data from the Alpaca platform to maps. The data contains locations as well as directions that can be used directly on the maps.

Alternatively, you can leverage the GraphQL API that provides access to the content on the Alpaca platform, including itinerary information and geometry such as LngLat positions and polylines (that can be summarised).

Developers can also mix the data approaches, and choose to use the data entered in Alpaca but draw routes from Google platform. To achieve this, data entered including waypoint information, is avialable for querying via the GraphQL API and can then be used withing the Maps Platform.

  • Working with GeoJSON A resource to understand what data is available to incorporate into Google Maps Platform via geojson
  • GraphQL API Documentation Documentation to assist developers with querying itineraries or specific features for more information

When making requests to either GraphQL or resources hosted on Alpaca, you must provide your accessToken.


GeoJSON can be easily integrated into the maps API via the loadGeoJson() API call on a map instance.

2  "https://mapping.withalpaca.travel/v1/itinerary/XXX.geojson?accessToken=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

Note: You will need to update the above URL with the correct itinerary id and accessToken.


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