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The API enables the storage and retrieval of extended data through key/value pattern offered by Attributes. These extend the standard queryable fields to open up further possibilities, such as custom data or localisation of field values.

There are two types of attribute classes.

  • Core Attributes

    • A maintained list of attributes managed by Alpaca

  • Custom Attributes

    • An open namespace for custom data to be stored for application specific use case.

For each attribute, it is also possible to provide a locale, in order to localise the value. Your queries can be used in order to determine translations to other localisations based on the needs of your users.

Custom Attributes

Where attributes are offered (such as within itineraries), it is possible to store some data that can assist you integrate the content within your application.

When creating an attribute containing your own custom data, you must use the prefix of custom/ before your ID. You should identify your attribute using kebab case naming, such as custom/application-record-id. This provides your application a namespace for your own additional custom data to be stored against resources in the platform.

1# Update an itinerary, and store some custom attribute data
3mutation UpdateItineraryWithCustomAttributeData {
4  # Use the updateItinerary() mutation as normal
5  updateItinerary(
6    # Supply the itinerary ID
7    id: "itinerary/ABC123"
8    # Update the data for the itinerary
9    itinerary: {
10      # Leverage attributes to store extended data available for
11      # itineraries
12      upsertAttrs: [
13        # Custom data that is being stored within the itinerary
14        { id: "custom/my-custom-data", value: "Example Custom Data JSON" }
15      ]
16    }
17  ) {
18    itinerary {
19      id
20      __typename
22      # Read back the custom data from the attribute
23      myCustomData: attrValue(id: "custom/my-custom-data")
24    }
25  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

Note: We recommend using the id custom/external-ref and custom/external-source when assocating resources to your platform. Alpaca can provide some query integration with data in these fields.

Important: Do not store sensitive or personal information within these attributes. You should store this information within your platform as custom attributes are not approprtiate for storing this type of data.

Lifecycle of attributes

Creating Attributes

For supported resources, attributes can be created and supplied leveraging the operation argument of attrs on the resource. These will create the supplied resource containing the supplied attributes as offered by your input.

Querying Attributes

In order to access the attributes, there are a number of queries in order to select the desired data:

  • attrs Selects attributes via a series of attribute inputs

  • attr Selects an attribute with the supplied ID and locale value

  • attrValue Returning the value without the wrapper

Updating Attributes

When performing a mutation on an existing resource with attributes, you can supply values via the operation argument of upsertAttrs for the resource. Attributes will be 'upsert' (combining either an insert or update depending on whether the resource already has the attribute).

Removing Attributes

Via performing a mutation to update an existing resource with attributes, you can supply the attributes to be removed via the operation argument of deleteAttrs for the resource. Matching attributes will be removed during the mutation.


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