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Segments provide a mechanism available to associate itinerary items, such as the Itinerary Location or Itinerary Directions to a specific group. Segments are most commonly used to break a trip into several parts.
Segments can be used to provide the user a selection in order to view a specific part of a trip.
Segments are added to your itinerary as an itinerary item.
1# Creates an Itinerary Segment, which can be used to break up a list into
2# smaller discrete sections.
4mutation createItinerarySegment(
5 $itineraryId: ID!
6 $itinerarySegment: CreateItinerarySegmentInput!
7) {
8 createItinerarySegment(
9 itineraryId: $itineraryId
10 segment: $itinerarySegment
11 ) {
12 segment {
13 id
14 }
15 }
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
Note: Segment attributes can be created and added at any supported mutation,
such as createItinerary
, createItineraryLocation
etc. and are not limited to
You can then add trip segment identifiers to each of the itinerary items.
1# Assign a series of segments to your itinerary locations. Be sure to first
2# add your segments using the "itinerary/segment" attribute avaialble on the
3# itinerary.
5mutation UpdateItineraryLocationSegments {
6 # use updateItineraryLocation()
7 updateItineraryLocation(
8 # Supply the itinerary location ID
9 id: "itinerary/ABC123"
10 # Update the location
11 location: {
12 upsertAttrs: [
13 # Add the association of segment IDs
14 # Value as correlates to the "itinerary/segments" ids
15 { id: "itinerary/location/segments", value: ["my-UID"] }
16 ]
17 }
18 ) {
19 # Read back the changed data
20 itinerary {
21 # Identifiers
22 id
23 __typename
25 # Add in the segments
26 segments: attrValue(id: "itinerary/location/segments")
27 }
28 }
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
You can use the children
field operation in order to obtain a list of the
1# Query the itinerary segments for an itinerary.
3query listItinerarySegments($itineraryId: ID!, $first: Int!, $after: String) {
4 itinerary(
5 # Supply the itinerary ID
6 id: $itineraryId
7 ) {
8 # Select the associated itinerary segments using the children selector
9 children(
10 # Limit to querying the itinerary segments
11 type: ItinerarySegment
12 # Using the relay "cursor connection" specification for pagination
13 # See: https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm
14 first: $first
15 after: $after
16 ) {
17 edges {
18 node {
19 # ID/Types
20 id
21 __typename
23 # Specific information drawn from the Itinerary Segment
24 ... on ItinerarySegment {
25 title
26 color
27 contrastColor
28 }
29 }
30 # Obtain the cursor to pass back as the "after" property
31 cursor
32 }
33 # Total number of locations
34 totalCount
35 pageInfo {
36 hasNextPage
37 endCursor
38 }
39 }
40 }
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
Query the itinerary children or descendants and restrict the results to a  specific segment ID.
1# Use the `segmentIds`
3query ListItineraryLocations {
4 # query the itinerary
5 itinerary(
6 # Supply the itinerary ID
7 id: "itinerary/ABC123"
8 ) {
9 # List the children
10 children(
11 # Query the locations
12 type: ItineraryLocation
13 # Limit the first 10
14 first: 10
15 # Limit the results to records with segment ID
16 segmentIds: ["day-one"]
17 ) {
18 edges {
19 node {
20 # Identifier
21 id
22 __typename
24 ... on ItineraryLocation {
25 # Name of the location associated with "day-one"
26 title
27 place {
28 name
29 }
31 # Should contain the id "day-one" in the collection
32 segmentIds: attrValue(id: "itinerary/location/segments")
33 }
34 }
35 }
36 }
37 }
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
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