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Managing collection locations

A collection provides you the ability to manage a single, large number of locations as your application or website place database. Queries and mutations are optimised to queries across many locations.

Note: If you are considering an integration from an external data source to a collection, consider also reviewing the importing locations topic.


List available collections

Associated to profiles are collections. You will need to identify which collection you are managing in order to be able to supply a collection ID.

1# Load the collections available for a profile
3query QueryCollections {
4  # Use collections() operation for listing collections
5  collections(
6    # Supply the profile to list profiles for. Use authorizedProfiles operation
7    # to identify your profile
8    profileId: "profile/ABC123"
9    # Pagination controls for relay "cursor connections"
10    # See: https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm
11    first: 10 #, after: <cursor>
12  ) {
13    edges {
14      node {
15        # Collection ID/Type
16        id
17        __typename
18        # Information to obtain about the collection
19        title
20      }
21      cursor
22    }
23    pageInfo {
24      hasNextPage
25    }
26    totalCount
27  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

Note: the collections operation returns a cursor connection. You can read how to paginate using cursor connections

Query the locations assigned to the collection

The API provides mechanisms to query the collection to list locations associated to the collection.

1# Queries for collection locations from a collection by a supplied tag. This
2# will take a supplied collection ID and look for items that have the tag of
3# "my-tag" present. This is a basic filtering capability based on tagging items
4# within groups.
6query QueryCollectionLocationsByTag {
7  # use collectionItems() operation
8  collectionItems(
9    # Specify the collection ID
10    collectionIds: "collection/ABC123"
11    # Specify the tag to include
12    tags: "my-tag"
13    # Pagination controls for relay "cursor connections"
14    # See: https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm
15    first: 10 #, after: <cursor>
16  ) {
17    edges {
18      node {
19        # Returned records
20        id
21        __typename
22        # Access whatever we want here about the items
23        ... on CollectionLocation {
24          title
25        }
26      }
27      # Use the cursor and supply to "after" in operation to paginate
28      cursor
29    }
30    totalCount
31  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

Note: A collection can house diffent types of items, outside of just locations. As such, you will need to select fields from the CollectionLocation type as illustated below using ... on CollectionLocation { ... }. This allows you to select the specific fields when the __typename is CollectionLocation.

Query a specific collection location

You can also query a specific collection location by leveraging the collectionItem operation. This can help you when wanting to load more information about a particular location.

1# Loads in a specific collection location
3query QueryCollectionLocation {
4  collectionItem(
5    # Provide the individual collection item ID
6    id: "item/ABC123"
7  ) {
8    # Identifier/Types
9    id
10    __typename
11    ... on CollectionLocation {
12      # Load some of the content as you need
13      title
14      synopsis
15      # ... description, tags, websiteUrl, readMoreUrl, etc etc
16      # Load the preferred media
17      preferredMedia {
18        resource {
19          ... on MediaImage {
20            # Load a thumnail at the desired size
21            thumbnail: source(bestFit: [100, 100]) {
22              url
23            }
24            # Text
25            altText
26            caption
27            # Photographer Attribution
28            copyright
29            attribution
30          }
31        }
32      }
33      # Load information about the place by joining the place node, allowing
34      # access to all the underlying place information that is provided by a
35      # place provider service (Facebook, ATDW, Yelp, TripAdvisor etc)
36      place {
37        # Identifier/Types
38        id
39        __typename
40        # Load contact information about the place
41        contact {
42          phoneNumber
43          websiteUrl
44          facebookUrl
45        }
46        # Geocoding positions
47        position {
48          lon
49          lat
50        }
51        # Maki icon
52        maki
53      }
54    }
55  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

Create a collection location

When creating a collection location, you will need to supply a place value.

The Place within a collection location represents the physical place associated to this location.

You can supply just the position of this place, such as when you have placed a dropped-pin, or supply a place.id that refers to a place identifier from a source of place information.

Alpaca supports a number of place providers, such as the ATDW, OSM, Facebook and others. When you supply a place.id to these providers, you will be able to query back up to date information about that place in future queries, as Alpaca will leverage integration to these providers to enable you to query data about those places.

1# Creates a Collection Location within a collection
3mutation CreateCollectionLocation {
4  # use createCollectionLocation for this operation
5  createCollectionLocation(
6    # Supply the collection to place the collection location within
7    collectionId: "collection/ABC123"
8    # Supply the data for the location model
9    location: {
10      # Provide content for the collection item
11      # Synopsis, tags, description, media, website etc.
12      title: "Mavis the Grocer"
13      # Supply tags (we can later query on this)
14      tags: ["cafe"]
15      # Note: See external refs/source if you want to store your own identifiers
16      # Provide a reference to the place/position for the place location
17      place: {
18        # Place information will be sourced from ATDW provider
19        id: "place/atdw:product:5cae80be57a096cd7084b6ab"
20        position: { lon: 144.9970825017, lat: -37.803058481 }
21      }
22    }
23  ) {
24    location {
25      # Returns with the collection location just created
26      id
27      __typename
28    }
29  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

Update a collection location

You can update information you have added about your location by supplying the arguments in location. There are a number of fields you can manage, as well as attributes to store extended information or overwrite/augment information from place providers.

1# Modify an existing collection location title
3mutation UpdateCollectionLocationTitle {
4  # use the updateCollectionLocation() operation
5  updateCollectionLocation(
6    # ID of record to update
7    id: "item/ABC123"
8    # Update the data for the location
9    location: { title: "New Title" }
10  ) {
11    # Query back data after the mutation for the response
12    location {
13      # Should now become "New Title"
14      title
15    }
16  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

Delete a collection location

Removing collection items is done so via the deleteCollectionItem operation.

1# Removes a collection item from a collection
3mutation DeleteCollectionItem {
4  # Use the deleteCollectionItem() operation
5  deleteCollectionItem(
6    # Supply the ID of the record to remove
7    id: "item/ABC123"
8  ) {
9    # select back a response of the ID of the removed item
10    id
11  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation


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