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Using Unsplash

Unsplash provides access to high quality photographer imagery. The Alpaca platform enables access to reference unsplash images for use in itineraries and collection items.

  • Unsplashd is a popular source of images
  • Use their API in order to search and find images
  • Use the Photo ID's to associate in content

Identification of Photos

Unsplash IDAlpaca Media ID

Unsplash GraphQL query

Alpaca provides a way to access the photo information via our GraphQL where they are used for photos attached to content.

1query {
2  # Access the Unsplash as a media resource. This data is
3  # available consistently across our integrated platforms
4  mediaResource(id: "media/unsplash:photo:aGzieOqQfEM") {
5    ... on MediaImage {
6      # Access some sources
7      thumbnail: source(bestFit: [200, 200]) {
8        url
9      }
10      card: source(bestFit: [600, 400]) {
11        url
12      }
14      # Associated caption
15      caption
16      altText
18      # Attribution data for presentation
19      attribution
20      attributionUrl: attrValue(id: "attribution-url")
21      attributionHtml: attrValue(id: "attribution-html")
23      # Copyright and licensing information
24      copyright
25      photographer: attrValue(id: "photographer")
26      license: attrValue(id: "license")
27      licenseUrl: attrValue(id: "license-url")
29      # Exif Information
30      make: exif(id: "make") {
31        value
32      }
33      model: exif(id: "model") {
34        value
35      }
36      exposureTime: exif(id: "exposureTime") {
37        value
38      }
39      aperture: exif(id: "aperture") {
40        value
41      }
42      focalLength: exif(id: "focalLength") {
43        value
44      }
45      iso: exif(id: "iso") {
46        value
47      }
48    }
49  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

Note: You must comply with the Unslash distribution API terms and conditions when integrating your application.


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