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Adding photos to an itinerary

Itineraries as well as Itinerary Locations can contain a number of media elements, including Photos.

Before you associate a photo with an itinerary, you will need to upload photos to the platform, or alternatively use an photo from a photo sharing site such as unsplash.

Updating an Itinerary to associate media

You can associate the photo to the media using the updateItinerary() mutation with the field createMedia() field on the UpdateItineraryInput type.

1# Updates an itinerary with a selection of photos.
3mutation UpdateItineraryPhotos {
4  # Use the updateItinerary() operation to update the itinerary media
5  updateItinerary(
6    # Specify the itinerary
7    id: "itinerary/ABC123"
8    # Update the itinrary content
9    itinerary: {
10      # Create the itinerary media
11      createMedia: [
12        # Create a photo based on a user upload
13        { resourceId: "media/ABC123" }
14        # Create a photo based on an unsplashed photo
15        { resourceId: "media/unsplash:photo:XXX" }
16      ]
17    }
18  ) {
19    # Query back the itinerary updated fields
20    itinerary {
21      id
22      __typename
24      # Read in the media
25      mediaContainers(first: 10) {
26        edges {
27          node {
28            # Media container id
29            id
30            __typename
32            # Read back the uploaded photo resource
33            resource {
34              __typename
35              ... on MediaImage {
36                id
37                # ... selection of fields
38              }
39            }
40          }
41        }
42      }
43    }
44  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

In addition to the above createMedia data, you can also updateMedia, moveMedia and deleteMedia. This gives you control over performing a series of updates to control the media. It is also possible to create the itinerary with the media supplied as the input in the createItinerary() mutation.

Association to Itinerary Locations

The itinerary locations mutation resembles a very similar GraphQL mutation as for the itinerary.

1# Updates an itinerary location with a selection of photos.
3mutation UpdateItineraryLocationPhotos {
4  # Use the updateItineraryLocation() operation to update the itinerary media
5  updateItineraryLocation(
6    # Specify the itinerary location
7    id: "itinerary/ABC123/location/DEF123"
8    # Update the itinerary location content
9    location: {
10      # Create the itinerary media
11      createMedia: [
12        # Create a photo based on a user upload
13        { resourceId: "media/ABC123" }
14        # Create a photo based on an unsplashed photo
15        { resourceId: "media/unsplash:photo:XXX" }
16      ]
17    }
18  ) {
19    # Query back the itinerary updated fields
20    location {
21      id
22      __typename
24      # Read in the media
25      mediaContainers(first: 10) {
26        edges {
27          node {
28            # Media container id
29            id
30            __typename
32            # Read back the uploaded photo resource
33            resource {
34              __typename
35              ... on MediaImage {
36                id
37                # ... selection of fields
38              }
39            }
40          }
41        }
42      }
43    }
44  }

Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation

Order of operations for applying updates to media

The order in which the operations are applied to the collection is:

  • Delete

  • Update

  • Move

  • Create

You will need to know this in order to determine how to insert, reorder and

remove media within the same update mutation.


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