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Itineraries as well as Itinerary Locations can contain a number of media elements, including Photos.
Before you associate a photo with an itinerary, you will need to upload photos to the platform, or alternatively use an photo from a photo sharing site such as unsplash.
You can associate the photo to the media using the updateItinerary()
with the field createMedia()
field on the UpdateItineraryInput
1# Updates an itinerary with a selection of photos.
3mutation UpdateItineraryPhotos {
4 # Use the updateItinerary() operation to update the itinerary media
5 updateItinerary(
6 # Specify the itinerary
7 id: "itinerary/ABC123"
8 # Update the itinrary content
9 itinerary: {
10 # Create the itinerary media
11 createMedia: [
12 # Create a photo based on a user upload
13 { resourceId: "media/ABC123" }
14 # Create a photo based on an unsplashed photo
15 { resourceId: "media/unsplash:photo:XXX" }
16 ]
17 }
18 ) {
19 # Query back the itinerary updated fields
20 itinerary {
21 id
22 __typename
24 # Read in the media
25 mediaContainers(first: 10) {
26 edges {
27 node {
28 # Media container id
29 id
30 __typename
32 # Read back the uploaded photo resource
33 resource {
34 __typename
35 ... on MediaImage {
36 id
37 # ... selection of fields
38 }
39 }
40 }
41 }
42 }
43 }
44 }
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
In addition to the above createMedia
data, you can also updateMedia
and deleteMedia
. This gives you control over performing a series
of updates to control the media. It is also possible to create the itinerary
with the media supplied as the input in the createItinerary()
The itinerary locations mutation resembles a very similar GraphQL mutation as for the itinerary.
1# Updates an itinerary location with a selection of photos.
3mutation UpdateItineraryLocationPhotos {
4 # Use the updateItineraryLocation() operation to update the itinerary media
5 updateItineraryLocation(
6 # Specify the itinerary location
7 id: "itinerary/ABC123/location/DEF123"
8 # Update the itinerary location content
9 location: {
10 # Create the itinerary media
11 createMedia: [
12 # Create a photo based on a user upload
13 { resourceId: "media/ABC123" }
14 # Create a photo based on an unsplashed photo
15 { resourceId: "media/unsplash:photo:XXX" }
16 ]
17 }
18 ) {
19 # Query back the itinerary updated fields
20 location {
21 id
22 __typename
24 # Read in the media
25 mediaContainers(first: 10) {
26 edges {
27 node {
28 # Media container id
29 id
30 __typename
32 # Read back the uploaded photo resource
33 resource {
34 __typename
35 ... on MediaImage {
36 id
37 # ... selection of fields
38 }
39 }
40 }
41 }
42 }
43 }
44 }
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
The order in which the operations are applied to the collection is:
remove media within the same update mutation.
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