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You can check whether a place has already been added to an itinerary by performing a query and supplying the place identifier.
You will need to supply an ID in order to check the place exists in an Itinerary
You will need to have access to the ID of the itinerary to check for a place
1# Checks whether a place has been added to an itinerary, for creating a button
2# state on an "Add to Itinerary" button. If a result is returned, you may then
3# want to indicate to the user it is already present in their itinerary, or
4# offer them to remove it. You can pass the matching itinerary location ID that
5# has this place associated from this query to the deleteItineraryItem operation
7query CheckItineraryPlacePresent {
8 # Use the itinerary query, supplying the itinerary ID to check
9 itinerary(id: "itinerary/ABC123") {
10 # Query the descendants, providing some constraints
11 descendants(
12 # Provide the place identifiers to check
13 placeIds: ["place/123"]
14 # You may support adding a place multiple times, but for most reading
15 # back one will be enough
16 first: 1
17 ) {
18 nodes {
19 # Obtain the ID, so we can remove this location using the operation
20 # deleteItineraryItem() to remove the item from the itinerary.
21 id
22 }
23 # Total Count should be greater than 0, as the place could be added more
24 # than once to an itinerary
25 totalCount
26 }
27 }
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
If successful, you'll be returned with a reference to the itinerary location ID
2 "data": {
3 "itinerary": {
4 "descendants": {
5 "nodes": [
6 {
7 "id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/DEF456"
8 }
9 ],
10 "totalCount": 1
11 }
12 }
13 }
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