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3rd Party Media

Users of the Itinerary Editor are provided with the option to include 3rd-party media within their Markdown content.

Information IconMarkdown is used in the long-form description field for Itineraries and Locations. It is recommended that 3rd party media appears as a link.

YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud and Spotify

Embed different media in the wysiwyg

Currently, the Alpaca platform renders the YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud and Spotify when displaying content through the embeds.

Users in the Itinerary Editor will paste the share link into the markdown and this will be recognised and substituted with the correct iframe embed presentation.


YouTube can be used within content to display videos.

1Here is an example of youtube appearing in markdown.
The below gist gives you an idea of how you may extract out and present an Iframe from a youtube link within your application.
1// Matching the ID for Youtube Links
2export const youtubeRegEx =
3  /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:i\.|www\.|img\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/|ytimg\.com\/)(?:embed\/|v\/|vi\/|vi_webp\/|watch\?v=|watch\?.+&v=)((\w|-){11})(?:\S+)?$/;
5// ... match against the markdown depending on your parser
7// Example Youtube iframe attributes
8const youtubeIframeAttributes = {
9  src: `https://www.youtube.com/embed/${ID}?modestbranding=1`,
10  allow:
11    "accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture",
12  allowfullscreen: true,
13  frameborder: 0,


Vimeo provides an alternative to using YouTube to display video content.

1Here is an example of vimeo appearing in markdown.
The below gist gives you an idea of how you may extract out and present an Iframe from a vimeo link within your application.
1// Matching the ID for Vimeo Links
2export const vimeoRegEx =
3  /https?:\/\/(?:vimeo\.com\/|player\.vimeo\.com\/)(?:video\/|(?:channels\/staffpicks\/|channels\/)|)((\w|-){7,9})/;
5// ... match against the markdown depending on your parser
7// Build the attributes to be used in an iframe for displaying vimeo
8const vimeoIframeAttributes = {
9  src: `https://player.vimeo.com/video/${ID}`,
10  frameborder: "0",
11  allow: "autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture",
12  allowfullscreen: true,


SoundCloud is typically used to host audio content attached to itineraries, such as for the use in audio tours.

1Here is an example of including SoundCloud content within markdown
The below gist gives you an idea of how you may extract out and present an Iframe from a SoundCloud link within your application.
1// SoundCloud
2export const soundcloudRegEx =
3  /https?:\/\/(?:w\.|www\.|)(?:soundcloud\.com\/)(?:(?:player\/\?url=https\%3A\/\/api.soundcloud.com\/tracks\/)|)(((\w|-)[^A-z]{8})|([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:[-_][A-Za-z0-9]+)*(?!\/sets(?:\/|$))(?:\/[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:[-_][A-Za-z0-9]+)*){1,2}))/;
4export const soundcloudRegExAlternative =
5  /api\.soundcloud\.com\/tracks\/([a-z\d]+)/i;
7// ... match against the markdown depending on your parser
9// Build the attributes to be used in an iframe for displaying soundcloud
10const soundcloudIframeAttributes = {
11  src: `https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https://soundcloud.com/${ID}&color=%23cad5dd&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true`,
12  scrolling: "no",
13  frameborder: "no",
14  allow: "autoplay",
15  width: "100%",
16  height: 166,


Spotify offers a mechanism to add a playlist to your itinerary.

1Here is an example of a spotify playlist appearing within markdown
The below gist gives you an idea of how you may extract out and present an Iframe from a Spotify playlist link within your application.
1// Spotify
2export const spotifyURLRegex =
3  /https?:\/\/(?:embed\.|open\.)(?:spotify\.com\/)(?:(album|track|playlist)\/|\?uri=spotify:track:)((\w|-){22})/;
4export const spotifySymbolRegex =
5  /spotify:(?:(album|track|playlist):|\?uri=spotify:track:)((\w|-){22})/;
7// ... match against the markdown depending on your parser
9// Build the attributes to be used in an iframe for displaying spotify playlist
10const spotifyIframeAttributes = {
11  src: `https://open.spotify.com/embed/${type}/${id}`,
12  allow:
13    "autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture",
14  allowtransparency: "true",
15  allowfullscreen: "true",
16  style: { borderRadius: "12px" },
17  width: "100%",
18  height: "152",
19  // loading: 'lazy',
20  frameborder: 0,


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